(I know it's ugly right now)
(a stand-in carrd)

Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Night!

Personal Info:

She/they preferably, though anything is fine

-irl shipper
-you're an ist (racist, sexist, ableist)
-you're a phobia (transphobia, homophobia)

-making online friends
-creating research papers
-video games

Before You Interact:
-I don't tag things unless they are injury related (sh, gore, blood, etc.) , nsfw, flashing lights/eyestrain, or really really bad people
-I curse. A lot.
-I like a lot of "problematic" people, I won't shove them down your throat or argue with you about them
-I also do not like Dream and a lot of Dream Stans, I won't engage in purposeful conflict but I do make a handful of not positive tweets around them
-I use the terms dude, bro, and my guy a lot. If you don't want to be referred to as those please tell me
-I flirt with my mutuals a lot, if you aren't comfortable with that please tell me

People I Like to Watch!
-Cscoop (and all the Lunch Club Boys)
-Ted Nivison
-Chuckle Sandwich
-JRWI Crew (Bizly, Slimecicle, Grizzly, Condi)
-Pokay, Joko
-Irish Lads (Daithi, Terroriser, Jacksepiceye, RTGame, Kevin
-The Eboys and its members
-What used to be Lunch Club (minus... duh)
-Raccooneggs, JC the Caster
-J Aubrey, The Right Opinion, D'Angello Wallace, Izzyzzz
-Danny Gonzolez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner
-Misfits and Friends
-Scott the Woz
-Let's Game It Out
-Internet Historian, Jay Exci, Kappa Kaiju, Sam O' Nella